The purpose of this page is to giving regular updates about the Archive and events related to the St Anselm Hall Archive.
Manchester University News article -
December 2020.
The St Anselm Hall digitalisation of 'The Fallen' project was featured in a University of Manchester news article. The news article can be accessed via the link below:
This year the St Anselm Hall Archive team took part in the 'Explore you archive' challenge run by
The challenge involves finding archival material that matches the themed hashtag for each day of the challenge.
The challenge celebrates the richness and variety within archives, you can see below our interpretations of each of the hashtags.

One of our more poinent communications features a letter from Peter Psmodellis to the warden of St Anselm Hall in 1936.
Peter talks about the Fallen, including Thomas Wood writing
'Thomas Wood's death was also a shock and I still remember old Tom, quiet and placid and so very kind'
The full letter can be seen on the right, a zoomed in section regarding Thomas Wood can be read below.

For the theme of Home we decided to include this tongue in cheek description of St Anselm Hall written by a student. The extract was taken from the 1973 edition of the Hall Floreat Magazine.

The Chapel plans were drawn up in 1960 by the architect Harry S. Fairhurst. The Chapel was then opened in 1961 following on from these plans. Photographs of the original plans are shown below.
Slems has a strong history of providing educational extra-curricular activities for its students. Here, Anselmian Hugh Bearn learns the art of that essential skill, the Christmas dinner sword fight...

Anselmians' have long referred to their hall as 'Slems' and themselves as 'Slemsmen'. As the hall history book explains, though, the origin of the label is somewhat more elusive...

For Science we included a rather amusing report regarding gyms and ‘man boobs’ written by students in the science society of St Anselm Hall This article was taken from the 2011 edition of Floreat.

Below are photographs of a signed menu from the farewell dinner held for Duncan Armytage in 1933. The signatures include Tom South, the incoming Warden, and two of the Fallen men, Ken Graves and Tom Wood. Amongst the signatory's is also John Smith Roskell, a scholarship student, who became a
professor at the University of Nottingham and then chair of medieval history at the Univeristy of Manchester

This letter from Duncan Armytage to his friend Professor Duff discusses Eric Slinn's health problems, in particular his 'very irregular [bowel] evacuations' which were causing him to 'be thoroughly dull and stupid'

The hall suffered a fire in 1996 burning out Sunmerfield and causing extensive damage to Manor. Despite this, the Hall community managed to bounce back keeping the spirit of the hall alive.
This is a reminder of how strong the St Anselm Hall community is and how we are now looking forward to welcome new Anselmians in 2021.

Manchester University StaffNet News article.
The St Anselm Halls 'The Fallen' project was featured in a University of Manchester news article. The news article can be acccessed via the link below: